Monday, September 13, 2010

first! Blog

I was reading Sri Sri's daily sutras about various aspects about of life and was reading about gratitude and was thinking about it, gratitude is a very important aspect of one's life, the more grateful you are in life the more happy you are in life, it is important to realize that you are given all that you need in your life, the moment this truth sinks in to you, you will see your life is lot more better.

There may be times during you don't get what u desire, most of us keep thinking " oh! why it is happening to me" and we keep getting frustrated about our life... That is the point when we need to use our knowledge ... Remember we always get what we need... somethings make us stronger, somethings make us happier and somethings make your life a lot more meaningful.

All we have to do is to know and believe in the fact that...

"you always will get what you deserve and need but you may not always get what you desire"

Give your best in everything in life the rest that happens happens for the good!



ramyateja said...
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ramyateja said...

Well said Varun !! I totally agree :)

Balkrishnanitt said...

Bawa was once questioned ... How should one be grateful when a pigeon shits on their head ???
Answer : Be grateful that elephants dont fly .
.... ;) ... Nice start for the blog